Step 1 of 4
The Sanctuary at Bay Hill logo
Sanctuary at Bay Hill Condominium Association
7400 Sugar Bend Dr.
Orlando, FL 32819


  • Application authorizing the Association to conduct a criminal background check must be completed in detail by the proposed purchaser of a unit.
  • Please include a copy of the purchase agreement.
  • Upon completion of this form, you will be charged $75.00 (per person) processing fee.
  • Association shall have 15 business days after receipt of I) Purchase Agreement II) Authorization to conduct criminal background check, and III) Payment of the applicable application fee to the Association to notify the unit owner whether the purchaser is approved or not. The Board may elect to have its Secretary review the results of the background check. As provided in the condominium documents, if the Association does not issue a notice of approval within 7 business days, then the Association shall be deemed to have approved the prospective purchaser.
  • Occupancy prior to final approval is prohibited. Any owner who moves a buyer or another party into a home/lot without the association’s written approval will be subject to an immediate legal action.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Lori Coolidge
Property Manager


REQUIRED for U.S. Citizens.
REQUIRED for U.S. Citizens