I have received a copy and have been informed to read the Rules and Regulations of the Sanctuary at Bay Hill. I have been informed that if I have any questions regarding these Rules and Regulations given to me by the Association, I have been instructed to contact the office at 407-352-7623. I have been provided with a copy of the parking Rules and Regulations and further agree that if I break these Rules I can be towed with no warning at my expense, and it is my responsibility to inform all of my visiting guests of these Rules and Regulations pertaining to the community and for parking. I understand that from time to time the Board of Directors may change or Amend these Rules as necessary to improve the operation of this community.
I the undersigned, do hereby give my consent to tow my vehicle if it is in violation of the rules of this Association and due diligence has been rendered.
I further understand that if a violation results in fines or fees associated with noncompliance to any Rule Violation that all costs including to recover my vehicle are mine, and the association will not reimburse monetary losses or damages.